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DR Alex Morizio is #DefinitelyMiami !!!! Born in Brooklyn. Raised in NJ.  Planted his roots in Miami and is not looking back.  When he is not saving lives or telling jokes, Dr. Alex is in the kitchen cooking for his loved ones.  And the food is amazing!!!!

Every Tuesday at 8 p.m., Morizio, who leads the intensive care unit at Palmetto General Hospital, hits the live button on Instagram and starts streaming “Cooking with Al from his home. For years, Morizio has been doing stand-up comedy as an escape. When the COVID pandemic swept across the country and forced venues to shut their doors, he turned to social media.

“Alex is all about love and family,” he said. “With Alex, text messages and conversations always end with, ‘I love you.’ He is now sharing his love via “Cooking with Al” on Instagram. Yes, the cooking is great, interspersed with sips of vino, but when it comes down to it, all Alex is doing is spreading love. Comedy, cooking, and curing with love, that’s the Alex I know and love.”

Although Morizio went to medical school and received an Executive MBA for Health Management and Policy from Miami Herbert, he says the most valuable education he received was at the kitchen table.

“Life lessons were learned at the kitchen table at my home,” he said. “I was fortunate to grow up surrounded by a lot of love and amazing cooks.”

In 2008, Morizio, a second-generation Italian American born in Brooklyn and raised in New Jersey, decided it was time to move to a warmer climate. After a trip to Miami, a colleague returned with a copy of 944 Magazine, a publication no longer in circulation, and while reading it in the hospital call room, he said to himself “Why am I still in NYC? I hate the cold!” and the rest is history.

A few years later, he was applying for Miami Herbert’s Executive MBA for Health Management and Policy.

“I was working as a doctor for a company called ICC, which sets up ICU intensive care units for hospitals, and I saw an opportunity to move into the corporate setting. I needed to understand this other side of health care, so I applied to the most reputable program in South Florida.”

Cooking with Al

The company ended up being sold, and Morizio never ventured into the corporate world of health are, but the education and the connections made were invaluable.

“It is still something I would do all over again because of the knowledge I gained and the people I met. It added another layer of knowledge and depth to my medical practice—I use it every day. It’s made me a more complete doctor.”

For now, he is keeping his day job because “being a doctor is in his DNA.”  But that doesn’t mean he’s not willing to mix it up if the Food Network comes calling.

If you’re in need of a quick Italian dinner, Morizio recommends spaghetti pomodoro e basilico (spaghetti with tomato sauce and basil). Many of his recipes, are from the Amalfi Coast, where his mother was born.

He is truly everyones friend and his heart is as big as the cruise ships that pass by his South Beach condo.   Check him out every Tuesday evening on Instagram.

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